Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Goodnight, baby.

I just put Buddha to bed for the last night. After his favorite stories and my favorite lullabyes, he fell asleep in my arms. He hasn't done that in ages, having grown out of it by about 18 months, but I guess he was good and tired tonight. I'm really grateful for that.
On a different note, I want to make a little query. If you are a reader who knows me IRL (in real life), would you please leave a comment? So far, I only know of a fellow foster parent and I know my sister, derangels, used to read- not sure if you still do, sis. If there are others, I'd like to be clued in! Thanks.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking of you guys as you go through your last day! ((Hugs))

Jude said...

We don't really KNOW each other but we did meet at a lunch date organized by Eryn and Amy in Noho.

starevelina said...

Thanks, K. And thank you for reminding of that event, Jude- it seems forever ago! Kate

Lyttlethingsmttr said...

Another Foster Mama here, just read about Buddha and was touched. Have been there and done that. I hope and pray he is in a good place. Congrats on the coming baby and hugs for your loss.