Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well, I'm glad you're catching up, but...

The development and physical therapists were here again yesterday and were happy to report that Prancer is no longer in need of their services, as he has come up to age level or above on most of their categories. Speech, of course, is a whole other matter and that therapist is coming next week, but I will say he's made some progress. He's also doing ok bonding here, as he goes to us for protection from strangers and doesn't show a whole lot for attachment problems. All well and good. The honeymoon's over, though, and I think because he's been catching up in other developmental areas, he's progressing through behavioral stages, too. He's been on some pretty impressive terrible two's (typically right before 2 years- he's 2 and a half) for a little over a week now. Thus the incredible screeching and cribside pole vault at naptime just now (we'll be buying that crib tent today). So, while I'm very happy he's making strides here, I really hope we can zip right through this particular form of catching up!

1 comment:

MommyNay said...

Your mention of the terrific 2's reminded me to post a video of my terrific two year old. Go check it out *wink*